
Friday, August 28, 2009

Random points

  1. I watched Transformers 2 and I honestly think that all Transformers fans out there are in denial about how bad the movie is.
  2. My dumb dumb dogs destroyed my chilli plants. And they pulled out the ones which I was excitedly waiting for the flowers to turn into chillies. Sad. :(
  3. I’m glad August is coming to an end. It wasn’t a very nice month.
  4. Today is Yin How’s last day of saying, “Thank you for calling Dell” He found a little corner at home to be his little office where he locks me and the dogs out whenever he has to make a conference call late at night.
  5. I had a dream where Yin How married my friend instead and I had a panic attack and woke up and reached out in the dark to make sure he was sleeping next to me and that he’s still my husband.
  6. Then I had dream where the team put code into the wrong subsystem and Ian was yelling at the team on how we were going to fix this and how badly screwed the schedule was.
  7. Then I had a dream that Yin How was part of a triad gang in Air Hitam and I was kidnapped and there were bullets flying and he rescued me and wanted to seek revenge and I pleaded with him not to until the alarm started to ring.
  8. I think maybe I need to stop reading thriller novels just before I go to sleep
Have a happy weekend :)


jeanne said...

haha... sometime I had odd dream like #7 too... imagine me being the one who hold the gun and run around... so cool... yet so dumb...

anyway, enjoy your long weekend mindy.

Chiamy said...

For the #6, I guess that means a free breakfast for everyone (AA style) before we really go into fixing it.. :p

cylooi said...

And now i know how pressure it is working under Ian... :P

Mindy said...

Looi, now only you know ah? ;)

The Ian in my dream was scary. And he was yelling at the team for so long until I fell off the chair (and that's when i woke up) ;)

cylooi said...

I guess Ian was going easy on me since there is no free breakfast for me(like Chiamy said)... :P