
Monday, August 31, 2009

The weekend in photos

Lots of sleeping

Lots of sinful food

Russell in trouble after destroying the chilli plant. Bad dog... BAD DOG..

My pak choy all dying... sad :(

Lunch at Tambun

Bought lala at Tambun. Cooked Kam Heong Lala. :)

Long weekend over dy... so gonna be having the tuesdays blues tomorrow. :(


Genny said...

nooooo the chilli plantttt.. why did it have to die? why? was expecting juicy red chillies when i come home... i can't imagine how much spanking russell got on his bumbum =p

Mindy said...

He murdered 3 of the chilli plants. But there are still 2 still standing strong. And they have flowers now so I'm excited again.

Russell can be quite tall when he stands up. He can reach things from the dinning table. I'm going to use some netting to cover up my plants.

Oh, and once I got irritated with him begging for food while i cooked, so i gave him a chilli. He ran off happily with it and came back for more.