
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The apong maker

The hubby and I were talking about how busy we are at work. Both of us have similar roles right now and we both share lots of stories on how we deal with work.

And the hubby told me this,

A manager has a very similar job to an apong (pancake) maker.


You know how they make apong right? There are like 15 apong pans and the apong maker will start filling one. Before one is cooked he covers it and then goes on to make the next one. He moves to the next and to the next and constantly goes back to the first to add more ingredients. And soon you'll see the apong maker frantically opening and closing the covers of 15 different pans at super speed.

That is exactly what a manager goes through. We are all frantically opening and checking all our many half cooked apongs before they all burn, at such speed that you'll forget which apong is which. One apong comes and talk to you and you have trouble remembering which apong he is.

Someone told me after you've crossed the level of insanity dealing with so many issues, you'll reach a point where you are strangely calm.

"This is a critical issue for a platinum customer!!!"
Sure.... no problem... take a queue ticket and line up buster...

"It has to be done ASAP, it's gating our deadline"
*GAsp* Oh really? You don't say. Oh wow, that's so incredible that I have to spend some time pondering on this.

"I need you to update this by today"
Of course... the last time I check, I'm quite positive I have one brain and two hands. Of course they can handle it

"When will this be done?"
Truth or lie, you pick

"We are going to have to support this! Oh, we don't have to anymore. Oh wait, we still have to support it"
Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see.

"What's the update on this?"
Silence... currently listening to Lady Gaga...

"We need your team to help with this"
Let's see... which strategy should I use to tell the engineer without getting eaten up alive...

"Mindy, we need more resources"
Okay... let's hold hands and pray together...

It's fun being an apong maker. And it's fun being strangely calm. I wonder how long it will last..... :)


Genny said...

haha, i love the "listening to lady gaga" one.. that's funny XD
hmmm~ i got a long way to go, will be entering the work force as a unicell again next year =D

Pig said...

Muahahahaha!! now i know what happens on the other side!! lolx

cylooi said...

So true!!! Like this post a lot!! :)