
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mindy needs to...

Mindy needs to learn to be patient

Mindy needs to learn that some things are not personal

Mindy needs to learn how to disconnect

Mindy needs to learn not to care about some things

Mindy needs to hide in a cocoon until CC is over

Mindy needs to clean her cubicle

Mindy needs to breathe in and out

Mindy needs to take acting classes

Mindy needs to go home and sleep

Mindy needs a hug

Mindy needs to stop writing rubbish here.

2 days to go...


jeanne said...

Hey... love your blog decorations...

Mindy said...

hehe, it took me a while to decorate it. wanted to attach a christmas song but was worried that it would take too long to load.

Soo Huey said...

hey mindy, hope things are better now? what is CC anyway?

*hugs ;)

grateful-Ian said...

Mindy needs to praise herself for a job well done (and know that someone does appreciate all the shit she handles and all the fire she puts out :) )