
Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yin How can't understand why I cry. Yin How never cries. Throughout our nine years of relationship, I've only seen him cry not more than 5 times. Quote from my sister, he has "emotional constipation". Crying is a sign of weakness. In the cinema watching Marley and Me, I kept touching his eyes to see whether he cried but they were totally dry. His tear ducts are so under-utilized.

I, on the other hand, cry and cry and cry. To me crying is a way to release all the negative energy within me. And after a good cry, I'm able to jump and around and joke away with my eyes still swollen red and smaller than how small they already are. It's good to cry, I usually feel fresh and light and happy after that, unlike Mr. I'm-always-in-a-bad-mood-from-Mondays-to-Fridays. It's why woman live longer than men (that's what I think anyway).

So is it so wrong to cry?


Soo Huey said...

maybe its just men? wangwei probably cried about 2 times in the 7 yrs we went out. both times coz of me la... :$

i definitely cry more than yin how, but i don't think there's anything wrong with not crying. you just don't. your body obviously doesn't feel the need to. it's not like we're holding back tears. we're just not so sad/touched/angry that our emotions make us cry. we can't cry even if we want to, because we just aren't that worked up over it. hope this makes sense..?

Pig said...

I'm a cry baby. I cry at every given opportunity. I can even self-induce tears (yes, I'm crazy). My bf can't cry. He thinks i over do my crying (hmm..which explains why he is already immuned to my tears!) And I call him emo constipate too.. :P I think men are just weird. But then again, i would rather they be that way than to be a cry baby like me. It would be odd to pass the tissue paper box to them all the time :P

BTW, I cry watching Beauty & the Beast..

Genny said...

haha, me am the queen of crying.. ^^ but i think the reason i can smile so much and be so happy all the time is because i have a healthy crying routine... it annoys me when i get triggered easily, even seeing parents fetch my friends home from hostel, or seeing ppl's happy family birthday photo trigger tat *sniff sniff* in me.. but it's healthy! We are woman, hear us cry~ =p