
Friday, January 8, 2010


I stopped following the politics here because it's just so frustrating. Watching the local news and all the ridiculous stories that make headlines annoy me so I rather watch Oprah.

But this really saddens me. I'm just wondering, if your God is the great God you claim to be, would He say about this? Fighting over a translation of a word when there are so many other things in the world to worry about? Is this the message they teach their children? "Son, you should burn down a church whenever there's a language translation disagreement".

It's just really sad and disappointing.


Pig said...

I wonder which part of their act translates to "Holiness" (so they claim)...

Anonymous said...

religious is not the root cause, it's all because how human interpretation and perception.

Also, this is nothing much to do with politic :) Politics here does look ugly, but this could be part of the reformation process. The developed countries looks "clean" and organize, but think again, they have gone through these in their past too. We shouldn't give up our own country though it looks "hopeless" now :)

Mindy said...

I agree that every country have their own share of bad politics. But I can't help but feel that the politics here are somewhat to the point of being childish and immature to down right ridiculous which makes it more frustrating.