
Monday, June 22, 2009

Mistakenly younger

This morning Yin How was waiting outside at the entrance of our home while waiting for my sister before going off to work. A neighbour came up and asked a very confused Yin How,

N: "Where are your parents?"
YH: "Huh?"
N: "Your parents"
YH: "My parents?"
N: "Yes, your parents, I want to speak to them"
YH: "My parents don't stay here"
N: "Then who lives here?"
YH: "My wife and I"
N: "Oh"

First of all, I found it so funny that someone wanted to speak to Yin How's parents as if he was a kid in trouble. And secondly, the neighbour wanted to complain about some noise we were making and he couldn't believe that Yin How was the home owner. I'm guessing Yin How looked like a kid, sitting there wearing his backpack and holding a colorful looking water bottle. Hehehehehee....

I'm never gonna stop teasing Yin How about this. Because he used to tease me about an incident which happened when we were in KL. The both of us entered the shop in Midvalley selling adult toys and the sales person stopped me and asked for my I.C. because he didn't believe I was above 18 or 21 years old, can't remember, while Yin How stood there laughing his head off.

But I don't think that incident is as bad as what my sister went through. They asked her for her I.C. when she attempted to buy an above 18 movie ticket. She was already 20 at that time. ;)

Yin How and my sister do look young for their age. A colleague saw my sister and I walking in a mall and asked my sister what form she is in. My sister got offended. And when all those aunties at the market talk to Yin How when he helps his mum at the stall during weekend, they always are in disbelief when Yin How says he's already married (thank goodness he's already married and certified "Mindy's property" or not he'll be a target for all those market aunties who are always on the look out to find people to matchmake).

But whatever it is, I still think it's a compliment if people think you're younger than you should be. I know I'm not as young as I used to be, but I really hope I won't look years older than my kiddy looking husband with his backpack and colorful water bottle. ;)


Ian said...

So, what noise were you and Yin How making until it got the neighbour so pissed? :)

Mindy said...

woman tend to age faster than men. So that's bad for those of us whose husbands are of the same age. :(

And Ian, I somehow knew you were going to ask that question. :P

Soo Huey said...

actually, i was thinking the same thing as Ian... but thought i'd hold my tongue. but since the subject's been broached, i might as well add! hehe.

so..... its interesting how mindy hasn't actually replied ian's question. but sometimes no answer is an answer, so we all tau tau la. :P

mindy.. yin how doesnt look that young to me leh. at least not so young that i'd ask to see his parents! so maybe one morning u can take a photo of him with his backpack n colourful water bottle, so we can visualise how much he looks like a kid!

Pig said...

By popular demand...u still wont answer THAT question?? :D

BTW, I would *beg* to have my I.C checked..... *wails* You're really rubbing salt on my big fat wound :P

Soo Huey said...

i know! i know! yin how must've been mopping the floor!

Ian said...

Wow, both of you were THAT NOISY? U're lucky the neighbour is pissed, instead of being curious, otherwise, who knows what your neighbour might have done instead! :)